When you look in the mirror what do you see? You are a Madry and Madry's never fail!"



From James' Parents

OUR SON JAMES MADRY, JR was a man for all seasons.  Our pastor, our friend and next to God the love of our lives.   He was the best husband, father, family member and friend you could ever have.  He was truly One in a Million as he so eloquently sang to us on our 50th anniversary.   It took us a little while for us to except that God gave him his promotion.  Thanks be to God for our family and friends who have hung in there with us.. Our God is a keeper. 

Deacon James & Mrs. Dorothy J. Madry. 

My dad was my Best Friend.  He always supported me.  He wasn’t just my dad he was my Pastor, my Mentor and my Confidante. He was the coolest person I know.  I could go to my dad and talk to him about anything, and he never judged me.   He always encouraged me to study my bible, and pray.  We enjoyed playing video games, and watching Basketball together.   

I really truly miss my dad, but will always remember him telling me I could do whatever I set my mind to, and I could be whoever I wanted to be.  My dad was such an encourager, not just to me, but to so many others.  He always told me to put my best foot forward!

My dad use to stand me in front of the mirror in the mornings and he would say: “Alright son, who are you?” I would respond: Deonte’ Madry, and he would say “so you’re a Madry?”  I would respond “Yes Sir,” and he would say “that’s right you’re a Madry, and Madry’s never fail.”  

Thanks dad for loving me and encouraging me to be a great man, I will never disappoint you!

I love and miss you, 

Deonte’ Lamont Madry  

Growing up, I was a very fortunate child. I came from a 2 parent household with parents who weren’t just focused on providing, they were also focused on instilling values, morals, and confidence in me. They took time to ensure I had a personal relationship with God and that no matter what the world threw my way, I had a solid foundation on which to stand. While I am very close to my mother, some of my best moments in life were spent with my Dad.

You see, my father was an amazing man full of self- confidence that could easily be mistaken for cockiness. But he knew exactly who he was and more importantly WHOSE he was. My dad would put me in the mirror daily and ask me, “WHAT ARE YOU?” My response was simple, “I AM A MADRY!” He would then respond, “AND MADRY’S WHAT?” I would respond, “MADRY’S DON’T FAIL” This back and forth lasted through my childhood and all the way through high school. And while we moved from the mirror to sitting in cars before an important day of school, this back and forth between my father and I was something I looked forward to. As I grew so did the importance of this back and forth conversation.

Even as a young woman, married, with a child of her own, I knew anytime my confidence was shaken, I could call him and he could remind me instantly of my worth and my greatness. You see, life has a way of throwing you down and kicking you, but sometimes all you need is a reminder. My dad was always there to be that reminder of who I am and WHOSE I am. His ability to push me, challenge me, and guide me is something I will never forget. He was always there to give me advice and an encouraging word. But while he was being an amazing Dad to myself and my little brother, I watched him be a lot of things to so many others.

You would think one would be spread too thin to be so much too so many, but he never grew too tired to lend a hand. The most amazing thing about him is a trait I hope to develop, it is the ability to see the good in everyone and every situation. I watched him be hurt by many and yet he would not utter a negative word about them. I watched him be sick and yet he would still say GOD IS STILL ABLE! I watched him over and over and time and time and he never faltered or changed. He was Just James! Just my Dad! Just a man who showed the world they were capable of excellence by leading by example.

It is my prayer, that his legacy live on not just through me but through each life he touched. Know that you are capable of excellence and FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION! Keyona Jones

Growing up as a young woman from a single parent home, I knew that I had goals that I wanted to achieve. Life was good for me, my mom took very good care of my siblings and myself however; I grew up wanting a father. My dad was in and out of my life growing up and even through my adult years. While attending church, I became a mentee to James Madry.

One night we discussed the lack of my father’s presence in my life and the impact that it was still having on me. James Madry responded with, “You don’t have to worry about him, that’s his loss. I will step in and be your dad”! Those words meant the world to me. From that day on, James Madry “adopted” me as his daughter and continued to support my dreams. He was a big believer in education so he was proud that I was an educator that was striving to become a principal. He was so delighted to find out when I received my first administrative position. James Madry always supported me and the youth that he encountered. I am blessed to know him as a mentor and as a father.  Crystal R. Ward

James was one of my first clients for Madry’s Dash of Flavor when I began at Carter Broadcast Group in 1998 when I was 25 years old. We quickly became good friends and through our business dealings, I was able to meet the rest of his family. James always had a great heart that you could see based on how he dealt with others.

One of my fondest memories of James was from the year 2000 shortly after my Grandfather passed away. I remember that James had called me and left me a voicemail. WhenIcheckedmymessages,therewasJamessayingaprayerformevia voicemail. At the time, that was very new to me because my friends didn’t leave those kinds of messages regardless of circumstance. That became a standard practice with James and he was always the type of person you could count on to be a good listener, offer kind words of encouragement, or be one of your biggest supporters! [page1image14824]

James Madry Jr left an imprint on my life and the lives of many others who met him! Although I can’t tell him in person anymore what he means to me, I’m looking forward to showing everyone the type of person that James was through his foundation! Langston Parker II